Rachel’s books are about sharing evidence-based strategies for good mental health and wellbeing.
We live in a time of huge worry about our teenagers and their mental health - from fears of a phone-obsessed adolescence to concerns about an offline world of bullying and drugs, not to mention gender identity. But what if we parents don't need to be so fearful? What if our teenagers are a gift we can all learn from?
In this authoritative book by an established mental health writer with advice from experts in the field, Rachel Kelly shares how bringing up her five children in an anxious age, and her work for ten years with young people in schools and at universities, has led to her own psychological growth. Raising resilient teenagers begins with becoming a more resilient - and better informed - parent, someone who has learned to manage their own emotions, become aware of their parenting style, and understand the world our teenagers are growing up in.
Thus armed, we can engage with our adolescents better and discover how they, and their brains, work (short answer: not always like us!). The book also offers psychologically helpful (and evidence-based) approaches for supporting our teenagers, from personal relationships to navigating social media. Whisper it, but it might even be a fun ride.
You’ll Never Walk Alone: Poems for life's ups and downs
A collection of the kind of inspirational texts - mainly poems - that can accompany us, whatever we are feeling, from sorrow to delight. The texts are not just about words which can console us or comfort us - though they often do this too. Rather these are poems that allow us to enjoy a full range of emotions. The poems are organised according to the season in which they 'belong': we all have seasons of our minds, be they wintery and dark, or more spring-like and hopeful.
Publication 3rd November 2022 by yellow kite, hodder.
“Like Rachel Kelly, I passionately believe in the power of poetry to reach the soul. In times of heartache and joy, this wonderful anthology will help and delight all through the year. Kelly’s brilliant introduction and explanations of each choice make this an indispensable companion, always.”
References here
Thinking often makes us sad but doing rarely does. This book is about action: it is full of inventive and accessible activities, one for each week of the year, to help you rediscover your creativity and, little by little, build a new sense of purpose. Also available in the USA here.
Published January 2019 by Short Books.
“This book is fantastic. It’s such a lovely combination of engaging personal stories, thought-provoking ideas, and simple but not simplistic action suggestions. And all weaved together with Rachel Kelly’s normal calm, friendly and accessible style. Brilliant.”
References here
Together, over 5 years, Rachel and Nutritionist Alice Mackintosh developed recipes that put 150 nutritional studies into practice. They’ve helped Rachel to become more energised, less anxious, clearer thinking, more balanced and a better sleeper.
Published October 2017 by Short Books.
“I was given this book for my birthday, and I absolutely love it. My favourite recipes are the Happy Smoothie, and the spinach crepes but all the recipes I have tried have been delicious. My home made granola has gone down a treat with the whole family and I frequently refer to the mood food list at the back of the book. I genuinely feel calmer and happier since following the advice in this book.”
Rachel shares the strategies that have helped her stay calm and happy after overcoming two episodes of severe depression. Some of the steps relate to particular experiences and events, such as holidays, work and her children’s exams; others are useful at any time.
Published October 2016 by Short Books.
“I absolutely LOVE this book. It’s so gracefully accomplished and full of hope and practicality. Stretches out a hand to the lonely, the lost and the exhausted. It’s a great gift of hard-won wisdom.”
Black Rainbow: My journey through depression
A Sunday Times top ten bestseller and powerful first-person account of Rachel’s struggle with clinical depression and how she managed to recover, in part, through harnessing the healing power of the written word.
Published April 2014 by Hodder & Stoughton.
“The memoir has the gripping immediacy of a novel and taught me much about depression that perhaps I should have known, but didn’t. Its advice on diet, exercise, supplements and getting help will be invaluable for anyone who finds themselves barked at by the black dog. ”
iF: A Treasury of Poems for Almost Every Possibility
A beautifully illustrated collection of poetry designed for children aged 0 – 90, co-edited by Rachel and first published by Canongate Books in 2012. Full of Rachel’s best-loved poems, it is sure to delight and entertain.
“This gorgeous and electrifying anthology should be on the shelf of every child in Britain.”